Tag Archives: Nikola Tesla

Surfing The Piscean / Aquarian Cusp



I was bulldozed by many seasoned business experts to take the route of accepted business practices in developing my first invention: “The Medical Device.” I had great fresh ideas when I started out, but in what I thought at the time was wise deference to their experience, I always ended up caving to the “good” ideas of experts that were more conventional (and more to their financial advantage). In retrospect, it is clear that my ideas were the good ideas, but I didn’t have the confidence at the time to stay with my convictions. At the time I didn’t realize I was a pure Aquarian on a mission to exemplify a new way of conducting business and how to live life in general.

Running The Medical Device company all by myself almost killed me. Huge medical device companies informed me (when I attended The Future Medical Forum several years ago) that it was an astounding accomplishment for an individual to achieve, but it is not something I am that proud of right now in terms of the outcome — and I don’t want a repeat of it. I want to be as far away from the soul-stealing life-force-sucking struggle of “bootstrapping” in a sea of Piscean sharks as I can be. So I’ll steer clear of the sharks, be creative in my approach, do my own thinking and insist my ideas be implemented instead of discounted, overruled and thwarted. My modus operandi won’t appeal to the people who aren’t risk-takers (just takers) and adventurers. Good! I can no longer bear to surround myself with that energy — so just consider that the things I come up with that “savvy business men” advise me to toss out are the very things I deliberately keep to be sure to sort things out from the start. Also considering the conventional mind-set is what has gotten this planet in the shape it’s in and what keeps the majority of its inhabitants in denial, I am keen to find a new breed of thinkers to populate my foxhole.

It is TIME (Aquarian Age) to be creative and go out on limbs and think outside of stupid confining boxes. That’s just how I am wired. To diminish my integrity and compromise my ideals to force an agenda would be to negate the very essence of who I am. It would be over for me right there.

So I will be whimsical, insist on things being fun, off-beat, outlandish and look at everything from the fresh point-of-view of someone who has not been indoctrinated by how things are supposed to be done. I have no need to suppress myself to meet with the approval of conventional thinkers just to get their money. People either believe in me, the REAL me, or they don’t. I won’t “pose” for money!

My world-saving ideas will be just great ideas without substantiation until I can afford the engineers to flesh them out. I was in Costly Medical Device Manufacturing Hell for five years trying to reach the point where I could devote my time and funding to The Cosmos. It took total ruination of my health and finances to finally force me to release myself from that hell. The moment I finally became powerful was the moment I achieved two thirds of what my hero Nicola Tesla achieved on his final day on earth. I became penniless and alone. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. It was only at that point people like me started to show up to support my newest freshest idea: The Global Rowing Club. ¡Olé!

So what if all I ever do from now on is travel and row and talk about a dream? I guess that makes me a happy person already living a dream. My best has to be good enough. Time will tell about the rest. I am just well-informed enough to know that the entire planet is entering a new age and it will be daring quixotic people like me who will pull our world out of this ever-accelerating nose dive if the old school will just step aside and admit they didn’t make the cut. Until then, egos will play a destructive and pointless tug-of-war. Don’t expect (or advise) me to pick up either end of the rope.

The people I am manifesting to populate my reality to implement my/our Purpose — are dreamers who have a sense of humor and a consuming desire to heal our planet. I am not for everyone. But I do know (finally after too many years of resisting the pay-off from my expensive education) that from now on we are going to do it my way (according to the Aquarian paradigm) or not at all. My wagon to the stars is going to be a fun adventure or I’ll be the first to jump off. Maybe it will fly, maybe it won’t. It’s out of my hands. I am simply WILLING to do my part and am not invested in the outcome.

My only agenda is The Will Of Heaven. Que será será.

Feel free to join me all ye who dare to Surf The Cusp in critical times — for what I hope and pray will be a relatively painless shift into a bright, shiny and peaceful Future. Denial or a negative fatalistic attitude will only exacerbate an inevitability that will not go away no matter how much you are distracted by a vast sea of minutia. Decide something about the BIGGEST AND MOST OBVIOUS ISSUE ON EARTH. To not decide is to decide. Time (if you still believe in time) is running out.



There’s a great story about how all this started.

I have said many times: “I prototype in my head. It’s cheaper that way!” But the truth is, I go to a place that’s almost like a trance where information floods into my mind and I see something in such detail, I don’t even bother to write anything down because I know it is THERE and I can pull up the file when the time comes to prototype it in reality. But what’s even more interesting is that since I see things so clearly in my mind … I stay in a state of surprise when I realize they’re not here yet.

One morning, I was having a little talk with myself. I decided to distill into one statement once and for all my bottom-line purpose for being on this planet. And what I said aloud to sum it up in one sentence was: “My reason for being here is to raise human energy.”

But then I thought: “Well that’s problematic because humans just don’t cooperate. I need to bypass humanity and wire the planet directly to increase the energy of the entire world.”

Then I sat down and for over an hour watched pictures flood into my head about how to go about setting up an energy grid to cover the planet to bring in energy from the Universe and bring up the vibration of the planet itself, thereby raising the vibration of humans without having to rely upon their participation.

The entire time I was thinking to myself … this is odd. I have never had ideas like this go through my head before.

Later that day, I went for a long walk with a neighbor and about halfway through the walk I told her I felt like I had MEGA volts of energy going through me all the time and I could always feel myself vibrate. Then I mentioned casually that I had some unusual ideas going through my mind that morning and described them to her. She immediately commented: “That sounds like Tesla.”

I asked her who Tesla was … and she said something about inventing a coil and that Thomas Edison didn’t like him. She didn’t bring me completely up to speed as she had only a cursory knowledge of who he was.

When I got home, I did something I rarely ever did. Instead of just forgetting about the mention of something in passing … I immediately Googled Tesla and the first thing I found was a 32 page booklet he had written and published in Century Magazine in 1900. The title of this booklet is: The Problem of Increasing Human Energy.

It stunned me because it was almost identical to what I had articulated to myself only hours before.

Nikola Tesla

So I read it and was even more astounded that he chronicled in those pages the progression of the discoveries of my life to which I have devoted my life as a career! The only thing he missed on was his assertion that we needed to begin supplementing the soil with artificial fertilizers. We’ll talk more about that later.

This exact thing has actually happened more times than I can count … that I have stumbled on books or films or have attended lectures of notable authors explaining principals and information that I already knew and lived by, wrote about and made a living by in teaching (mostly by example) my retreat guests and interns and weekly Organic Raw Food Supper Club attendants — with powerful results — a fact I mention briefly in my post Flow And Grow Rich.

Then I stumbled on this: (VERY interesting … watch it when you get the chance)

The Missing Secrets Of Nikola Tesla

A few years ago I attended an invitation only certification class in Reno for using Ozone in Alternative Medicine. The other students were Physicians from all over the world. I was invited because the owners of the Canadian company that manufactured the ozone machines had purchased one of my medical devices and wanted to become a distributer of them. So to reciprocate, I purchased a high-tech ozone generator as well as a 10 LPM oxygen concentrator to use for EWOT (Google that).

The first few minutes of the class I got a STRONG feeling that I was going to invent something really ground-breaking having to do with ozone and natural health. Later that evening I dined with the owners of the Canadian company and the world’s most renowned expert on ozone as related to medical use. I asked them (because of that strong knowing that overwhelmed me earlier) who was the dead person that invented the device that could produce ozone. They gave me a name that didn’t ring a bell and I felt strangely disappointed. However, before the weekend was over, it occurred to me to Googled it.

I found this:


Nikola Tesla was the greatest inventor the world has ever seen. His fertile brain produced the original designs for all of the electrical apparatus now used to transmit AC power, for motors, generators, lighting, radio, radar, etc. The information about Tesla’s genius has finally been spreading in the last two decades, after decades of suppression. Less well known is Tesla’s involvement with ozone.

In 1896, Tesla was issued a patent for a corona discharge ozone generator using charged metal plates to act on ambient air. He formed the Tesla Ozone Co. in 1900 and went into production of these units. His customers were naturopaths and allopaths who welcomed this powerful therapy into their practices. Breathing of ozone bubbled through olive oil and other oils was widely practiced at this time, and the Sears catalog of 1904 offered a unit for this purpose using eucalyptus, pine and spearmint oils. Tesla produced a gel made by bubbling ozone through olive oil until it solidified, and sold it to doctors. One hundred years later, we are doing the same thing, with Nature’s Gift ozonated olive oil.

After a while, Tesla began to get complaints from some doctors that his ozone generators were burnt out. Tesla was upset by this, so he put on his thinking cap to invent a method of generating ozone that would be immune to failure. He realized that it was current flow to a hot spot on the metal anode that caused the short and the subsequent burnout, and reasoned that the way to achieve long life was to eliminate the current by eliminating the metal. That left him with an electrostatic approach, which he was fully conversant with, featuring high voltage jumping a gap, with almost no current draw.

To carry the electrostatic charge, he used inert gases in glass rods. This produced a cold plasma field which energized oxygen into ozone, and resulted in a generator that proved impervious to burnout. The unit used ambient air, and produced a small amount of ozone as it was waved over a recumbent patient, who breathed it in. Tesla farmed out production of these generators to a Canadian company. There are still some of these units from the 1920s which have been kept in use and are still working as air purifiers today, 80 years later.

Tesla felt that this invention was of such importance to human health that he did not patent it; instead he donated it freely to all of mankind. Unfortunately, this meant that eventually the idea was lost, because there was no recorded patent to look up.

If I go by the information in Think And Grow Rich … according to Napoleon Hill and about 500 REALY RICH people in the last century, Tesla sits at my Cosmic Board Table.

Cool. He’s my hero, you know.

I sort of suspect he MEANS to make The Cosmos happen … just for a starters. I’m going with the flow. I have nothing better to do.

The World Urgently Needs Renewable Energy


My blog is new so people are being shy about leaving public comments. But it has prompted quite a few behind-the-scenes email conversations and one particular discussion on a discussion board about my radical new boat design at www.rowingillustrated.com where I gained valuable information and will update The New Boat page accordingly. I am benefiting from the input of the people who are writing me and portions of those emails or board posts I have incorporated into blog posts on my site.

Michael in Germany sent me this link of an article posted on the Cosmos Magazine web site: The World Urgently Needs Renewable Energy

I wrote him back:

I read the article from Cosmos Magazine … every aspect of our world crises they reference is addressed by The Cosmos Global Solution. Have you had a chance to view the presentations on the Cosmos Global Solution page?



There are so many brilliant people out there who are technically adept and experts in their fields who are making things happen, but not fast enough and not on a large enough scale.

Reading that article (and the synchronicity of it being in Cosmos) made me feel like a race horse behind the starting gate with my heart pounding — waiting for the bell to ring!

I grew up an artist, a musician, a poet and a philosopher. I was never interested in mathematics or science. I have a liberal arts degree. There is no logical explanation for how, without ever being taught — I do can do anything or make anything and find solutions for things that most people think is impossible. But I can and I do.

And now I am fascinated by science and I GET it, but in a broad sense: nuts and bolts to be positioned by the nuts and bolts people.

I will explain how it came to be that I now can envision scientific solutions in a blog post I will put up soon: The Problem of Increasing Human Energy.

I am capable of delving deeply enough into the wide array of technological fields to make a strong scientific and technically detailed proposal for exactly what forms of existing technologies to use or ideas of technologies to develop, how to put them all together, how to translate the power into a single transmittable form and make reliable predictions for how much power output to expect from each Cosmos platform accounting for geographic variables.

I just don’t think there’s time for that now. Even if I could devote my full attention to it, it would still take longer than if I worked with a team of experts in every associated discipline who already know the basic and advanced principles that would take me too long to learn —  to put the million pieces of this puzzle together as fast as possible.

To reveal the Secret of what makes my contribution so invaluable is that I DON’T already know what they know. My thinking is not confined by “knowledge.”

“The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing knowledge.”

Albert Einstein

Therefore, I will naively do the impossible as I do not know it is impossible.

“Start by doing what is necessary; then do what is possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

St. Francis of Assisi

And I have quite a knack for “solving the disadvantages of prior art” and making things SIMPLE!

I promised Michael more information about my medical device and The Cosmos and have posted pages covering many of the aspects of The Cosmos from support information that I have in a large Keynote Slideshow for making presentations in person up until now. It’s under construction. I have a lot of work cut out for me to fill in these pages and probably a dozen more with the overall plan comprised of a plethora of details, questions and ideas that currently reside in my head only.

It’s what I SAY during those presentations explaining how The Cosmos platform will work and how it catalyzes and supports an entire Global Strategy for addressing every crisis our world is facing — that is the really pertinent information. I have never written it down. As in Nature, it’s not about the “parts” but the SUM OF THE PARTS and how they all work together that makes this project so magical.

Immediately after I gave a brief presentation as a guest speaker at an “Invent Alabama” meeting, the director of the organization, also educated as an engineer emailed me:

“I knew you had talked about a big idea before, but I had no idea how big, or how realistic an idea you were talking about. It is gigantic in both scope and beauty. I am most fascinated by, and impressed with, the level of detail to which you have taken your conceptualizing. The air pistons, the biomimicry paint, the fold-up sails to compensate for conflicting wave motion on opposite leaves, the technique for addressing hurricane protection. Those all show incredible ability to understand the nature of real-world problems and challenges, and arrive at practical solutions.”

He recently wrote this succinct recommendation on LinkedIn:

“Jenifer is a remarkable individual of great vision and determination. She has an incredible capacity for learning and applying that knowledge to the problem solving skills required of inventors and entrepreneurs.” December 2, 2010

Bruce KoppenhoeferOwner, Renaissance Enterprises

I will be making some changes to The Cosmos as I get more information, ideas and technology advances … it will continue to evolve. The more time I spend with it, the more it responds like an eager child who needs attention and is so willing to please. Pretty much like me.

I give credit to some emails exchanged with a local businessman for challenging me on issues I will face with hydrogen and methanol. I was also contacted by Gary Nolan and discovered some possible pieces of the puzzle from his video: The Promise of OTEC

The matter of how to transmit energy to the shore from the platforms is still up in the air … literally. Will I make all of the energy compressed air to be sent to shore through a submerged pipeline, or will I convert it all to one current to be transmitted by wire, by microwave, by laser? So much remains to be seen. Bruce Koppenhoefer contributed to addressing that challenge. (So many ways to skin a cat!) My preference was to rediscover how Tesla sent current through the air. I just figured when the time came for it to come to me, it would come to me.

Napoleon Hill suggested I recruit Jules Verne, Albert Einstein, St. Frances and Nikola Tesla to help work out the kinks. They’re on it.

In Tesla’s Future


I am the strongest woman you will ever know, and at the same time … the most fragile. It is part of my strength that I am not only willing to disclose I am fragile, but insist that I be accepted as a whole person with self-esteem issues like everyone else … and not be expected to be an icon.

The thing about me I think that people misunderstand is how I deal with my self-esteem issues. I try to do the best with the things I can control since there is so much I cannot control. What I can control is whether I am healthy and fit, am sincere, have integrity, do my best, stay true to my purpose, never compromise or sell myself out — or be tolerant for longer than it takes to say “have a nice life” to anyone who wants to complicate my life with drama. I think I piss a lot of people off.

New Paradigm

I will quote my hero Nikola Tesla:  “You have the Present. I have the Future.”

Tesla was a generous, sincere, naive and brilliant man who was just himself. He was honest and forthcoming. They didn’t get him back then.

We’re in that future. Are we ready?

I am looking for the other people like me — people who who recognize and appreciate a whole person who is not posing to manipulate. I am ME from the first minute to the last moment you lay eyes on me. I don’t have any interest in being anyone else. I love me. I admire and respect me. I have worked hard to become me. There is absolutely no ego in those statements and the people of this world who have a paradigm of love will get that.

My essence is love and joy. I love and trust everyone … a wonderful way to be. It is so preferable to living in fear and suspicion. But it also means I could sure use a savvy buffer. I have an opening for a handler.